Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Have we lost our touch with the oldies music?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
1:22 PM

Until recently I had forgotten about all the oldies (insert 50s and 60s here) that I grew up listening to in the car whenever I would go on road trips with my siblings and parents.  I had forgotten how fun they were to sing to, how much my sisters and I would laugh when my dad would change the lyrics, and how annoyed I would get when I couldn’t listen to my “hip” new music.  The last part doesn’t even matter now because of how much I long for those days or even a local radio station that played those same songs to bring back the memories.
It has become clear how separated I have become from the oldies when Itunes recently released all of the Beatles music and my first officer had to buy every single one of them.  No I didn’t go out and drop $50 on their music, but I did realize how much we need to hear those songs.  Make us stop and laugh that our parents listened to such lighthearted music that applies to many things today.  Make the next generation form a greater appreciation for music and where a lot of the songs of today were derived from.  Having appreciation for that era, brings about greater respect for our parents who were raised during those times (coming off WWII and the Korean War, then going into Vietnam).  While we will never know how life was exactly like then living through September 11th, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars has given us our own share of crazy times.  
I decided I need to take the time to find some oldies, buy some and listen to them then let all those fond memories come rushing back.  Take sometime and tell your parents how much you love them, you won’t have them forever.

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