Friday, December 10, 2010

Wanna make some extra $$$?!?!? Not only no but H@#l no!

Over the past few weeks I have had a friend that I used to work with contact me with a “job opportunity.”  It has disturbed me because we are the type of friends who send random text messages about once a month to say “hello” and to see how each other are more than acquaintances, I would say good friends.  The voicemails and email he has left have been very salesmanish (i.e. cold) and carry a sense of pyramid scheme. Disturbing.  So like the good little person I am I buried my head in the sand and gave him the cold shoulder for a couple weeks until I realized he didn’t get the hint so I politely emailed him back saying “thanks, but no thanks.” So what do I get in return? A rude response saying how I apparently don’t want to make any extra money. Whatever!
While I am the sorta person who would love to make extra money on the side, since my job does allot for quite a bit of down time, I do not want to sell something I have absolutely no interest in nor do I want to make a percentage of whomever I recruits sales.  Does this make sense? I’m just not that type of person.  Look there is a reason I am in a career that has a limited amount of face time with the general public. While I enjoy talking to strangers and learning their idiosyncrasies I don’t want to sell you anything.  I did that in college and when I think it’s a ridiculous product I’m really not good at it.  
Where do people get off? I can say during the time I went to school I wanted to try and learn about every possible job an uneducated person could do, which is how I wound up in this meeting selling hair products and if I recruited 10 people a month plus sell this garbage then “all my dreams would come true.”  Needless to say I high-tailed it outta this meeting and am still poor today, but at least I have my sanity and am happy.  When money-making schemes seem to good to be true, they probably are. 
So thank you for the opportunity but I am politely declining and would prefer to just remain friends! Oh and have a wonderful day!!!

written on - Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 6:16 PM

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