Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A quick little confession about eating veg

So I was just reading a post from "Your Daily Vegan" and I felt like I needed to write this down.  Until recently, say 6 months ago, I was an avid meat eater.  I couldn't imagine any meal without it and thought that meat is where ALL protein came from.  Then a little documentary came along called Food, Inc and it has changed the way I eat, no it has changed every aspect of my life.  I don't think I'm alone in this either, except I took it one step further, I researched and read and found blogs about vegans, books about vegans, recipes about vegans....I think you get the picture.  It gripped me from my heart strings and my thinking hasn't been the same since.

I have read Skinny B*tch, Omnivore's Dilemma, Fast Food Nation (and watched the movie), Crazy, Sexy Life, and have now begun reading Quantum Wellness.  I've even got Eating Animals sitting on my dining room table anxiously waiting for me next.  Can we say obsessed much? It's funny because I don't consider myself someone who goes over the top on anything, I'm more of the "I'll just try it til it gets old" type of gal, but this new Veg lifestyle has taken ahold of me like nothing else.  I am constantly dreaming up new ways to cook food and figuring out how I can get more bang for my buck with fresh fruits and veggies.  It's been really fun and has opened a whole new world of ideas and introduced to me to some pretty cool people.

I can't even imagine what my life would be like with this new found way of living.  I've never felt so healthy, my skin has never looked so good, and my cooking has never been so creative.  This isn't to say I don't fall off the wagon and eat some meat every once in awhile or have some kinda yummy cheese (since it's always been my fav) but I think about what I'm consuming and how it affects the environment.  How was this animal treated? Can I have an alternative? Can I live without it? If my craving is just to much to resist then I cave in and usually pay for it later (see running for the bathroom or running 5 miles extra that week).  It isn't for everyone and that is OK but it is for me.  God said take care of what he gave us and love all beings as ourselves and I'm working to do that everyday!

Being a pilot, cooking veg, and making it thru the week

It's been another great week of cooking and living.  I have found the greatest vegan recipes thru other blogs and Whole Foods newsletters (they rock go here: www.wholefoods.com ).  Thanks to Peta theveganstoner.com has made my boyfriend very happy and full of 'meatball' subs! So yummy...

In trying to get used to cooking with various beans and other sources of protein (see NO meat) I read an article about Adzuki beans.  I've got black, kidney, and garbanzo beans on the regulars list at the dinner but adzuki beans had not yet been conquered, so I found this cool recipe on WF website called "zesty adzuki bean salad (http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/524)." I was a little scared at first since it had arame sea vegetable and despite hearing all the great qualities of sea vegetables I wasn't sure if I would actually like it.  To my delight this salad rocked! I didn't have limes so I used lemon juice and the arame put the salad on a completely different level of cooking. Who knew?!?!

Another new recipe I tried this week was called "Tofu Coddies." What are these odd named protein filled creatures you ask? Well they can only be described as a hyped-up potato pancake with a kick (the tofu).  I found this unusual, and super simple, recipe in a vegan cookbook I picked up for $1 at a used bookstore.  While it called for Old Bay Seasoning, which I didn't have, I used regular ol' seasoning salt instead.  It also was supposed to be more of the consistency of a burger but turned out to be pancake-ish, which I was very scared of.  In the nature of not wanting things to go to waste and just throwing it down the drain I poured it on the skillet and cooked it up "pancake style."  To add more of nutrients to it I sprinkled some wheat germ on one side.  Still not convinced it would be any good I smothered on this horseradish sauce the BF and I mixed up, put it on a bun with lettuce, tomatoes, and ketchup then went to town.  It was purdy darn good! If anyone is interested in the recipe I can hunt down the book.

The last recipe I conjured up for the week was falafel.  I had a ton of leftover garbanzo beans from the previous weeks bean cooking so I used part of them to make hummus and the rest to make falafel.  My friend gave me this great healthy falafel recipe, since many recipes called for them to be fried, and this is the second time I have used it and they are still super easy and super great! It's from picky eater's blog (http://pickyeaterblog.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/healthy-falafel-recipe/) and she has posted some great recipes to try out.  I love that the falafels are baked and that I can make a ton of them freeze them then take them out as need be for trips.  I add them to salads, I throw them in a pita, or I'll heat up a couple with some veggies for a quick snack.  Perfect for people like me always on the go!

That is really all I had time for this week since I have actually been flying all over the country versus just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring although I did fit in a half marathon on Sunday....Did I mention I'm a runner? Yes I am nonstop go, go, go!  I did the Quivering Quads half marathon located in Quivre River State Park (Troy, MO) and it was the hardest, most rewarding race I've done.  Even after I face planted in the mud 4.5 miles in I still crossed that finish line.  Well I'm off to bed for the night but feel like I could keep typing since my mind is going in 50 different directions.  Sayonara for now!!! God bless everyone and keep praying for Japan!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Post

I have to admit, I'm a bad blogger! I need to start turning off the tv and start turning on the imagination station in my head.  Expressing thoughts and ideas about my life, either personally or professional, could render some form of entertainment for others....or not, but you know what I'm sayin'.

So right now I'm going to talk about my pursuit of vegan-ness perfection! It's hard!!! I'm not missing the meat at all but someone/some restaurant gives you options with cheese or some other form of dairy and I cave like nobody's business! When it comes to cooking at home, I'm like a crazed French chef cooking up vegan foods (with the mess and all).  I cook extra of every meal I make so I can freeze it to take with me while traveling, making my away from home experience that much easier.  I go out to eat and it quickly turns to frustration then next thing I know I'm sacrificing my beliefs on why I'm not eating any animal products.

So to share a little of my latest kitchen endeavors I will post the recipes, which have all been boyfriend approved (in other words even the mighty meat eater enjoys the tasty morsels). I always try to make some extra beans, grains, or legumes at the beginning of the week that I can quickly throw together with frozen veggies for meal on the run.

On Monday I made a Spinach Florentine from my vegan cookbook (http://www.amazon.com/30-Minute-Vegan-Delicious-Healthy-Everyday/dp/0738213276).  Before telling you about this meal might I add that while at first hesitant on buying a vegan cookbook every meal I have made from this book has been AWESOME!!! This recipe was really simple I used almond milk instead of soy and added mushrooms and broccoli for some more veg action! While this meal feels very low protein using whole wheat pasta and having the nutritional yeast helped a ton.  Maybe putting some tofu or tempeh next time might help but regardless this pasta dish was yummy too!

Tuesday's dinner came from the weekly recipe email I get from Vegetarian Times (http://www.vegetariantimes.com/recipes/11186?section=) and was some super quick and easy Vegetable Korma.  It called for fresh tomatoes but I used a can of organic chopped tomatoes instead to make it "saucier." This recipe wasn't vegan so I exchanged the cream for almond milk and upped the ante on the coconut milk too.  While this recipe was my best Korma I have made I liked it for how simple and quick it was plus I was able to double it so I could freeze the leftovers for traveling the latter part of this week.  I have to mention I made a mound of garbanzo beans so I was very happy to dump large handfuls into this recipe. I suppose that also means I should whip up some hummus, because homemade is the best!

On Wednesday I made a Vegetable Lo Mein (http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/2601) and added some leftover red bell pepper and tofu (for protein).  I thought it was a little low on the sauce since I had ALL these veggies in there so I made a little more than the recipe called for.  It was really yummy, I would definitely make it again! I even made some Miso soup for a appetizer, making it a perfect/quick mid-week meal.

Phew! I can't believe what a cooking fool I have become, wait I've always been a cooking fool but now that my vegetable and grain options are endless it has opened a whole new era of cooking for me.  Who needs stinkin meat to make a fantastic, healthy, protein-filled meal?!?!? Not me!

Now to beg hotels to give me a refrigerator to keep these yummy delicacies cold through the weekend....

Friday, December 24, 2010

ladypylot's Activities | RunKeeper

ladypylot's Activities | RunKeeper I wanted to mesh together my blog and my activities, otherwise known as running, so here is just one of those fun exciting outtings!!! Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Have we lost our touch with the oldies music?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
1:22 PM

Until recently I had forgotten about all the oldies (insert 50s and 60s here) that I grew up listening to in the car whenever I would go on road trips with my siblings and parents.  I had forgotten how fun they were to sing to, how much my sisters and I would laugh when my dad would change the lyrics, and how annoyed I would get when I couldn’t listen to my “hip” new music.  The last part doesn’t even matter now because of how much I long for those days or even a local radio station that played those same songs to bring back the memories.
It has become clear how separated I have become from the oldies when Itunes recently released all of the Beatles music and my first officer had to buy every single one of them.  No I didn’t go out and drop $50 on their music, but I did realize how much we need to hear those songs.  Make us stop and laugh that our parents listened to such lighthearted music that applies to many things today.  Make the next generation form a greater appreciation for music and where a lot of the songs of today were derived from.  Having appreciation for that era, brings about greater respect for our parents who were raised during those times (coming off WWII and the Korean War, then going into Vietnam).  While we will never know how life was exactly like then living through September 11th, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars has given us our own share of crazy times.  
I decided I need to take the time to find some oldies, buy some and listen to them then let all those fond memories come rushing back.  Take sometime and tell your parents how much you love them, you won’t have them forever.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wanna make some extra $$$?!?!? Not only no but H@#l no!

Over the past few weeks I have had a friend that I used to work with contact me with a “job opportunity.”  It has disturbed me because we are the type of friends who send random text messages about once a month to say “hello” and to see how each other are doing....so more than acquaintances, I would say good friends.  The voicemails and email he has left have been very salesmanish (i.e. cold) and carry a sense of pyramid scheme. Disturbing.  So like the good little person I am I buried my head in the sand and gave him the cold shoulder for a couple weeks until I realized he didn’t get the hint so I politely emailed him back saying “thanks, but no thanks.” So what do I get in return? A rude response saying how I apparently don’t want to make any extra money. Whatever!
While I am the sorta person who would love to make extra money on the side, since my job does allot for quite a bit of down time, I do not want to sell something I have absolutely no interest in nor do I want to make a percentage of whomever I recruits sales.  Does this make sense? I’m just not that type of person.  Look there is a reason I am in a career that has a limited amount of face time with the general public. While I enjoy talking to strangers and learning their idiosyncrasies I don’t want to sell you anything.  I did that in college and when I think it’s a ridiculous product I’m really not good at it.  
Where do people get off? I can say during the time I went to school I wanted to try and learn about every possible job an uneducated person could do, which is how I wound up in this meeting selling hair products and if I recruited 10 people a month plus sell this garbage then “all my dreams would come true.”  Needless to say I high-tailed it outta this meeting and am still poor today, but at least I have my sanity and am happy.  When money-making schemes seem to good to be true, they probably are. 
So thank you for the opportunity but I am politely declining and would prefer to just remain friends! Oh and have a wonderful day!!!

written on - Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 6:16 PM

Born to Run

I have been reading this awesome book by Christopher McDougall and it makes me want to run all the time.  I ran my first 8 mile run, in months, on Monday and when I started to get tired this voice rang in my head saying, “if the Tarahumara can run 100’s of miles so can you,” and then next thing I know I’m done with 8 and ready for more.  
Running has become my escape the from insanity in my head where emotions are stored and the yearning for more never cease to exist.  It puts my mind to rest and my body at ease, especially when I want to ‘house’ down some kind of chocolate goodness.  Somedays, like today, I get so fatigued that 20 mins on the elliptical is all I can put it and, as hard as I am on myself, it is perfectly fine.  I constantly have this feeling that I can look better, lose more weight, be prettier, etc. etc. but while running it all ceases to exist. 
In Born to Run I found I am not alone in the insanity and that runners truly are a unique breed.  They’re humans in the raw, without fancy name brands, that just run for shear enjoyment.  While I know running isn’t the end all to my issues it is a momentary escape that, sometimes even, puts me closer to heaven running alongside Jesus and all his cohorts.
written - Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 10:14 PM

Update: I'm sure I will be posting more about this book later on but I wanted to share this youtube.com video from Dr. Lieberman on barefoot running. Enjoy! 
