Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Being a pilot, cooking veg, and making it thru the week

It's been another great week of cooking and living.  I have found the greatest vegan recipes thru other blogs and Whole Foods newsletters (they rock go here: www.wholefoods.com ).  Thanks to Peta theveganstoner.com has made my boyfriend very happy and full of 'meatball' subs! So yummy...

In trying to get used to cooking with various beans and other sources of protein (see NO meat) I read an article about Adzuki beans.  I've got black, kidney, and garbanzo beans on the regulars list at the dinner but adzuki beans had not yet been conquered, so I found this cool recipe on WF website called "zesty adzuki bean salad (http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/524)." I was a little scared at first since it had arame sea vegetable and despite hearing all the great qualities of sea vegetables I wasn't sure if I would actually like it.  To my delight this salad rocked! I didn't have limes so I used lemon juice and the arame put the salad on a completely different level of cooking. Who knew?!?!

Another new recipe I tried this week was called "Tofu Coddies." What are these odd named protein filled creatures you ask? Well they can only be described as a hyped-up potato pancake with a kick (the tofu).  I found this unusual, and super simple, recipe in a vegan cookbook I picked up for $1 at a used bookstore.  While it called for Old Bay Seasoning, which I didn't have, I used regular ol' seasoning salt instead.  It also was supposed to be more of the consistency of a burger but turned out to be pancake-ish, which I was very scared of.  In the nature of not wanting things to go to waste and just throwing it down the drain I poured it on the skillet and cooked it up "pancake style."  To add more of nutrients to it I sprinkled some wheat germ on one side.  Still not convinced it would be any good I smothered on this horseradish sauce the BF and I mixed up, put it on a bun with lettuce, tomatoes, and ketchup then went to town.  It was purdy darn good! If anyone is interested in the recipe I can hunt down the book.

The last recipe I conjured up for the week was falafel.  I had a ton of leftover garbanzo beans from the previous weeks bean cooking so I used part of them to make hummus and the rest to make falafel.  My friend gave me this great healthy falafel recipe, since many recipes called for them to be fried, and this is the second time I have used it and they are still super easy and super great! It's from picky eater's blog (http://pickyeaterblog.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/healthy-falafel-recipe/) and she has posted some great recipes to try out.  I love that the falafels are baked and that I can make a ton of them freeze them then take them out as need be for trips.  I add them to salads, I throw them in a pita, or I'll heat up a couple with some veggies for a quick snack.  Perfect for people like me always on the go!

That is really all I had time for this week since I have actually been flying all over the country versus just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring although I did fit in a half marathon on Sunday....Did I mention I'm a runner? Yes I am nonstop go, go, go!  I did the Quivering Quads half marathon located in Quivre River State Park (Troy, MO) and it was the hardest, most rewarding race I've done.  Even after I face planted in the mud 4.5 miles in I still crossed that finish line.  Well I'm off to bed for the night but feel like I could keep typing since my mind is going in 50 different directions.  Sayonara for now!!! God bless everyone and keep praying for Japan!

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