Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A quick little confession about eating veg

So I was just reading a post from "Your Daily Vegan" and I felt like I needed to write this down.  Until recently, say 6 months ago, I was an avid meat eater.  I couldn't imagine any meal without it and thought that meat is where ALL protein came from.  Then a little documentary came along called Food, Inc and it has changed the way I eat, no it has changed every aspect of my life.  I don't think I'm alone in this either, except I took it one step further, I researched and read and found blogs about vegans, books about vegans, recipes about vegans....I think you get the picture.  It gripped me from my heart strings and my thinking hasn't been the same since.

I have read Skinny B*tch, Omnivore's Dilemma, Fast Food Nation (and watched the movie), Crazy, Sexy Life, and have now begun reading Quantum Wellness.  I've even got Eating Animals sitting on my dining room table anxiously waiting for me next.  Can we say obsessed much? It's funny because I don't consider myself someone who goes over the top on anything, I'm more of the "I'll just try it til it gets old" type of gal, but this new Veg lifestyle has taken ahold of me like nothing else.  I am constantly dreaming up new ways to cook food and figuring out how I can get more bang for my buck with fresh fruits and veggies.  It's been really fun and has opened a whole new world of ideas and introduced to me to some pretty cool people.

I can't even imagine what my life would be like with this new found way of living.  I've never felt so healthy, my skin has never looked so good, and my cooking has never been so creative.  This isn't to say I don't fall off the wagon and eat some meat every once in awhile or have some kinda yummy cheese (since it's always been my fav) but I think about what I'm consuming and how it affects the environment.  How was this animal treated? Can I have an alternative? Can I live without it? If my craving is just to much to resist then I cave in and usually pay for it later (see running for the bathroom or running 5 miles extra that week).  It isn't for everyone and that is OK but it is for me.  God said take care of what he gave us and love all beings as ourselves and I'm working to do that everyday!

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