Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Post

I have to admit, I'm a bad blogger! I need to start turning off the tv and start turning on the imagination station in my head.  Expressing thoughts and ideas about my life, either personally or professional, could render some form of entertainment for others....or not, but you know what I'm sayin'.

So right now I'm going to talk about my pursuit of vegan-ness perfection! It's hard!!! I'm not missing the meat at all but someone/some restaurant gives you options with cheese or some other form of dairy and I cave like nobody's business! When it comes to cooking at home, I'm like a crazed French chef cooking up vegan foods (with the mess and all).  I cook extra of every meal I make so I can freeze it to take with me while traveling, making my away from home experience that much easier.  I go out to eat and it quickly turns to frustration then next thing I know I'm sacrificing my beliefs on why I'm not eating any animal products.

So to share a little of my latest kitchen endeavors I will post the recipes, which have all been boyfriend approved (in other words even the mighty meat eater enjoys the tasty morsels). I always try to make some extra beans, grains, or legumes at the beginning of the week that I can quickly throw together with frozen veggies for meal on the run.

On Monday I made a Spinach Florentine from my vegan cookbook (  Before telling you about this meal might I add that while at first hesitant on buying a vegan cookbook every meal I have made from this book has been AWESOME!!! This recipe was really simple I used almond milk instead of soy and added mushrooms and broccoli for some more veg action! While this meal feels very low protein using whole wheat pasta and having the nutritional yeast helped a ton.  Maybe putting some tofu or tempeh next time might help but regardless this pasta dish was yummy too!

Tuesday's dinner came from the weekly recipe email I get from Vegetarian Times ( and was some super quick and easy Vegetable Korma.  It called for fresh tomatoes but I used a can of organic chopped tomatoes instead to make it "saucier." This recipe wasn't vegan so I exchanged the cream for almond milk and upped the ante on the coconut milk too.  While this recipe was my best Korma I have made I liked it for how simple and quick it was plus I was able to double it so I could freeze the leftovers for traveling the latter part of this week.  I have to mention I made a mound of garbanzo beans so I was very happy to dump large handfuls into this recipe. I suppose that also means I should whip up some hummus, because homemade is the best!

On Wednesday I made a Vegetable Lo Mein ( and added some leftover red bell pepper and tofu (for protein).  I thought it was a little low on the sauce since I had ALL these veggies in there so I made a little more than the recipe called for.  It was really yummy, I would definitely make it again! I even made some Miso soup for a appetizer, making it a perfect/quick mid-week meal.

Phew! I can't believe what a cooking fool I have become, wait I've always been a cooking fool but now that my vegetable and grain options are endless it has opened a whole new era of cooking for me.  Who needs stinkin meat to make a fantastic, healthy, protein-filled meal?!?!? Not me!

Now to beg hotels to give me a refrigerator to keep these yummy delicacies cold through the weekend....

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